so fast chinese new year is coming to an end soon le..
dis week lazy to post if wan see pics..tune in to fen's blog..haha..=)
i learnt someting today..and i
sometimes we really gotta learn to let go and leave tings to God..
becus if we keep holding tightly to the tings dat we wan and tink dat it is rite..insisting tings our ways..God can never move in our midst..breakthrus will not come..
it's only when we learn to let go to God to take ctrl..that we see a clearer picture..enabling Him to move powerfully in our bring us to the next level with greater breakthrus ahead..and answers to our prayers..
but..if we choose to hold on..leaning on our own strength and understanding..God cannot move..
it's just like us hanging on the monkey bar..
if we choose to hang on to the bar for long and refuse to move on
although we heard God's voice calling us to move
we will get blister on our hands..
it will be so painful holding on to the bar alone..using our own strength..
becus we refuse to move..
blisters on our hands makes it even harder for us to move on the other bars..
hindering us frm our breathrus..
bud it's only when we gif everyting and commit it up to GOd to take ctrl..that everyting falls in place..the way dat was planned..nicely..for a purpose..
indeed all tings will work together for good for those who love Him..
also..many times in our life..we will come across many crossroads..whereby we haf to make a decision of which way to go..
it's not easy to make a decision..becus we are unsure of where each route will lead us to..
we begin to fear and run away frm it..and we forget all abt the promises He haf given us..
bud it's during times like dis that we gotta go back to seek and to find guidance..
to let go and let Him take ctrl..
many times i run track..bud im knocked back to where i shud stand..
to leaarn to leave tings back unto Him..
the process is arduous and difficult..bud He's always around to carry us thru such difficult processes..
im freed..
show me your way..